These terms of use are issued by Dame Malvina Major Foundation and they are effective from June 2015. They cover the use of our website,, and by using the site you agree to be bound to these Terms of use.
This website is owned and operated by Dame Malvina Major Foundation.
If you wish to contact us please:
Phone: 04 384 9745
Dame Malvina Major Foundation does not permit use of this website for any unlawful purpose or for the purpose of engaging in any activity or conduct that may impair or cause damage to the operation of this website.
Every effort has been made to source images for the products that appear on this website as accurately as possible.
Unless otherwise indicated, the Dame Malvina Major Foundation reserves all copyright and any other intellectual property on this website. The Dame Malvina Major Foundation owns all such copyright or uses it under licence or as applicable by New Zealand law.
The content contained on this website is intended for personal use, non-commercial use, research or study only. You may make a temporary copy of part of this website on your local computer for the sole purpose of viewing it, and print a single hard copy of a whole page of this website for personal use, provided that any copyright notice on such page is not removed.
You may not copy or display for redistribution to third parties or for commercial purposes, any portion of this website without the express permission of the Dame Malvina Major Foundation. All requests and enquiries in relation to copyright must be in writing and directed to the Trust Administrator, Dame Malvina Major Foundation, PO Box 9976, Wellington 6141, New Zealand.
The Dame Malvina Major Foundation owns a number of trademarks, including its logo, and reserves all rights in relation to them. Without limiting our other rights, these trademarks must not be used without the prior written approval of the Dame Malvina Major Foundation.
Other product and company names referred to on this website may be trademarks owned by third parties. Without limiting our other rights, third party trademarks on this website must not be used without the prior written approval of the Dame Malvina Major Foundation.
All requests and enquiries in relation to trademarks must be in writing and directed to the Trust Administrator, Dame Malvina Major Foundation, PO Box 9976, Wellington 6141, New Zealand.
This website may at times, contain links to other third party websites that are not controlled by Dame Malvina Major Foundation. While care has been taken in providing these links, the Dame Malvina Major Foundation is not responsible for the content on those websites and does not necessarily endorse their content. It is the responsibility of the web user to make their own decision about the accuracy, reliability, relevance and correctness of information found. The Dame Malvina Major Foundation is not responsible for the availability of any of these links.
The Dame Malvina Major Foundation requires that you request our permission to include a link from another website to this website. If you would like to request permission, please email us at Dame Malvina Major Foundation retains the sole discretion as to whether, and if so when, to include a link from this website to external websites.
This website is governed by, and is to be interpreted in accordance with, the laws of New Zealand.
If you have any queries you can contact us through our website or by calling 04 384 9745.