A new collaboration between the DMMF Wellington Committee and Samuel Marsden Collegiate School’s choirs has raised funds for the work of the Foundation and given talented young singers both performance and development opportunities.
Earlier in the year the committee presented a concert with the highly-trained choirs from Samuel Marsden Collegiate School in St Mary of the Angels church.
Despite the atrocious weather on the night, the students performed a delightful repertoire of vocal works carefully compiled by the Director of Music, Marian Campbell, who trained and taught at Trinity College of Music in London, and voice teacher and well-known opera singer, Maaike Christie-Beekman, who trained at the Amsterdam University of Performing Arts.
Not only was the audience wowed by their superb performances but the students were also able to use the opportunity to perform as part of their NCEA requirements.
In return, Dame Malvina kindly agreed to visit the choir students during a recent trip to Wellington.
Samuel Marsden Principal Narelle Umbers, Chairman of the Board Cheryl Middelkoop and the music teachers hosted Dame Malvina and Lyn Crutchley from the DMMF Wellington Committee to lunch before being treating them to a very polished performance by Altissime in the School chapel.
Dame Malvina then answered the many questions asked by the girls before sharing her experiences and giving her pearls of wisdom to her willing audience.
It is hoped that this collaboration continues with new and innovative venues in which to perform being explored.